Proverbs 16:18-19 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.
We need always to be wary of where our pride is and what we are prideful in. This is definitely something that I have struggled with throughout my life. Though I am young, I have been through a lot of hardship. One way I had started to deal with this was almost a false sense of pride. Creating within myself a thought that "If I think highly of myself nothing can hurt me or touch me". What tends to happen here is that we become bitter and hard hearted toward many different types of love, which not only hurts our relationship with Christ but the possibility of someone seeing Him through us. Skipping right past the part where I should have turned to Him and relying fully on myself. But realizing after being beaten by my own ego and pride that every time I have relied on myself for anything, I had destroyed any ladder within myself leading to Him. It still to this day, have to take a reality check every once in a while, to look back at my life and realize that without His guidance and His love, I would be nowhere. Absolutely desperate for anything. And yet through His unbounded love, even though I have tripped, stumbled, and fumbled through these times of testing and perseverance, He has blessed me with more than I deserve. Bringing me back to a realization that He is my only pride, the only source of strength and wisdom that I need seek after. So be prideful not only in what He is, or how great He is. but also in what He has taught you. (Proverbs 15:31;33 He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise. The fear of the LORD teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor.) Though God is not the creator of hardship, because we are our own masters of that through our sinful nature. He does however allow us to suffer the consequences of our actions. So If you experience strife in any way, do not ask "why have you done this God" instead ask yourself "what choices have I made to lead me down this path"
We cannot let what we see blind us to what He sees. His thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not our ways. We must meditate on Him and allow ourselves to be consumed by His spirit in wisdom, learning, and compassion. Through His spirit is the only way that we may become strong enough to conquer not only ourselves, but Satan as well. because that is who will use our worldly minds and bodies against us. I have said this many times before, but our relationship with God is the most romantic and passionate one that there has ever been. His Love reaches over every mistake we make, forgiving us time and again, already telling us what we will have to endure. Letting us know in Love that He does not want us to suffer this, but that he will allow us to choose our own fate, and if we would listen to Him, He will be our leaning post. The image that He creates for how a father is to love His children, or a husband his wife constantly amazes me... I am baffled by how perfect his Love truly is. Prideful only in Love, and in teaching. So take pride in love and every aspect you are able to incorporate it into your lives. I can promise, it will not go unnoticed.
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