Wednesday, September 4, 2013

An observation of humility

    Tonight I had the great pleasure of participating in Royal Rangers. This is very similar to Boy Scouts but with a little of Awanas thrown in, focusing on giving young boys a solid foundation in Christ. We were teaching the boys what we should be learning from the passages that explain the order of creation. one of the boys when reading through his assigned paragraph, was struggling quite a bit. And another of the boys started to correct every mistake he made during this process. When the boy reading would be corrected, he did not get upset, or even annoyed by this. He would simply look up and smile, then go back to reading. This had really spoken to me because I can tend to be pretty bull-headed at times when it comes to being corrected. I will humble myself realizing my ignorance, but not always with a willing and joyful heart. This young boy however, would brush it off as nothing had happened! Joyfully accepting this correction looking to the us for affirmation and moving on. We need to do the same! I admire his ability to do this, something that is so simple yet difficult for many people. There is a proverb that has been randomly popping up for a few situations I have experienced this past week that goes right along with the above example;

 Proverbs 12:1       
     Anyone who loves learning accepts correction, but a person who hates being corrected is stupid.

   Pretty straight forward right? instead of being prideful even when we know we are wrong, we need to always assume at first that we know less than who we are talking to. Willing to learn and in a constant state of absorption. Using the Holy Spirit and a strict set of guidelines from the Word as a filter for what we are to let pass through. And using what we learn in unison with what knowledge we have already gained to check, cross reference, and re-check. To make sure that what is taught is truth.


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