Today a particular song spoke to me, I can only imagine by mercy me. The song is about how glorious and awe inspiring heaven will be... not just a place of perfect bliss and happiness, but a place where our spirit cannot hold in the intense feeling of love and joy that we have for our creator. being able to stand directly in his presence in pure amazement of all that he is. When we worship Him here we get just a taste of that presence.. and sometimes even that can be overwhelming! But to speak to Him and see Him.. what a glorious sight! And what a thought, that we will be so overjoyed at what we see that we will not want to stop praising and glorifying Him!
This brought me to another thought throughout the day, how well do we know Jesus? What does it mean to know God? To have a relationship with Him? It was said last night at Salt ( college ministry in Ames) that the main purpose of the bible is to know Christ, and it is! But after we realize who He is, then we must learn who He REALLY is. The Bible gives us many stories and instruction on how to live life and what we should do in order to pursue Christ's image. How to reach out to others through our example. However, our true relationship with God comes through the Holy Spirit. That is the personal side of our relationship, because of this we then desire to do all of these other things we are asked to do through the Bible. (Just as in a relationship with someone, when we are loved and cared for, appreciated and encouraged, we want to do great things for that person in order to please them in knowing the sacrifices and great lengths they have gone to show us the same love and adoration!) When we pray and converse with God to grow closer, we must pray in the spirit. Laying down and admitting first, all of what we have done wrong in humble respect and gratitude. Thanking Him with praise, and talking to Him about anything, our worries and cares, our ups and downs. He is not only our Lord but also our friend, one who will sit and listen to us whine about some small thing that is on our mind, listening with patience and compassion. The peace that He gives us and the love that we feel are then His response. But we need to come to Him in complete humility from our heart. If we combine what we are supposed to be doing according to the bible with a request in complete humility, it is guaranteed to be answered. Even in the smallest of things! He knows all the ins and outs of our lives, so if we honestly need a break from something, if we ask Him with respect and realization of His complete authority, then He is sure to grant our request! Likewise, If we are living in the truth from what we are taught in the Bible we should be pouring out love into others unselfishly. Not only through action, but in prayer as well. He will grant those too! Maybe not quite the way that we had thought.. but always being faithful. We should always place the requests for others before our own needs. What we sow, we will reap. living through unselfishness and love. Love will begin to surround you in everyway, and through this all other things fall in place! God loves to encourage us and give us gifts, however small, we should always be thankful because they are crucial to growing, and realizing how present and personal He truly is in our lives! And to think, how much greater that relationship will be once we are in His presence! All of these things will be magnified infinitely!
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